En otras oportunidades hemos analizado el condicional con su cláusula IF y su estructura gramatical en presente, pasado y futuro. Las oraciones condicionales también pueden estudiarse como 1º Conditionals, 2º Conditionals y 3º Conditionals.
En este artículo veremos oraciones condicionales que combinan dos tipos diferentes de patrones condicionales. Estas combinaciones son las siguientes: cuando tenemos un 3º condicional (IF + pluscuamperfecto y un 2º condicional -would + infinitivo- en la oración principal).
Mixed third / second conditional
Se describen situaciones imaginarias en el pasado y cuyos resultados se manifiestan en el presente.
If + past perfect, would + verb (infinitive)
If he'd taken the medicine, he wouldn't still be sick.
He wouldn’t still be sick if he’d taken the medicine.
Mixed second / third conditional
Se describen situaciones que no son verdaderas y que tuvieron consecuencias en el pasado.
If + past simple, would have + verb (infinitive)
If you were better at speaking in public, the presentation would have been more successful.
The presentation would have been more successful if you were better at speaking in public.
Mixed Conditional Patterns
• If I had won the lottery, I would be rich.
But I didn't win the lottery in the past and I am not rich now.
La primera cláusula de la oración se expresa en pasado y la segunda parte de la oración se expresa en presente.
• If she had signed up for the ski trip last week, she would be joining us tomorrow.
But she didn't sign up for the ski trip last week and she isn't going to join us tomorrow.
La primera cláusula de la oración se expresa en pasado y la segunda parte de la oración se expresa en futuro.
• If I were rich, I would have bought that Ferrari we saw yesterday.
But I am not currently rich and that is why I didn't buy the Ferrari yesterday.
La primera cláusula de la oración se expresa en presente y la segunda parte de la oración se expresa en pasado.
• If I didn't have so much vacation time, I wouldn't go with you on the cruise to Alaska next week.
But I do have a lot of vacation time and I will go on the trip next week.
La primera cláusula de la oración se expresa en presente y la segunda parte de la oración se expresa en futuro.
Los mejores recursos para mejorar tu nivel de inglés de forma natural y progresiva.
lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013
viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013
Juegos para aprender inglés
Para las personas que recién se inician en el idioma inglés, es posible ahora aprender el vocabulario básico con algunos juegos divertidos. Veamos de qué se trata.
Elige la palabra adecuada
En este ejercicio aparecerán aleatoriamente palabras en inglés y deberás seleccionar entre las distintas opciones la correcta.
1) HOUSE: Ventana/ Pàjaro/ Casa/ Perro
2) BARCO: Fork/ Ship/ Dog/ Hollow
3) Peter was born_____ 1983: in/at/ on/ by
4) It___ snowing today: Is/ Was/ Were/They
5) When I ____ children: Am/ Were/ Was
Adivina cuál es la prenda de vestir
S__i__t (camisa)
__lous__ (blusa)
C__r__ig__n (saco liviano de lana)
D__es__ (vestido)
V__s__ (chaleco)
S__i__ (traje)
__o__t (saco)
Ra__n__oat (piloto)
Busca en el diccionario estas frutas y relaciónalas con la imagen:

Adivinanzas en inglés:
Une la respuesta adecuada
1)Why was Cinderella taken off the basketball team?
2) What is the difference between a jeweller and a jailer?
3)What do you call a deer with no eyes?
4)What goes dot-dash-squeak-dash-dot-squeak-squeak?
5)Why do bees always have sticky hair?
6)What is at the end of everything?
A) She always ran away from the ball.
B) The letter G.
C) One sells watches and the other one watches cells.
D) No idea. (No-eye deer).
E) Mouse code.
F) Because they have honeycombs.
1) A)
2) C)
3) D)
4) E)
5) F)
6) B)
Rimas para leer
I Have Two Eyes"
I have two eyes to see with,
I have two feet to run,
I have two hands to wave with,
But nose I have one.
I have two ears to hear with,
And a tongue to say "Good day".
"One, Two, Tie my shoe"
One, Two, Tie my shoe.
Three, Four, Shut the door.
Five, Six, Pick up sticks.
Seven, Eight, Lay them straight.
Nine, Ten, A big fat hen.
Let's get up and count again!
Elige la palabra adecuada
En este ejercicio aparecerán aleatoriamente palabras en inglés y deberás seleccionar entre las distintas opciones la correcta.
1) HOUSE: Ventana/ Pàjaro/ Casa/ Perro
2) BARCO: Fork/ Ship/ Dog/ Hollow
3) Peter was born_____ 1983: in/at/ on/ by
4) It___ snowing today: Is/ Was/ Were/They
5) When I ____ children: Am/ Were/ Was
Adivina cuál es la prenda de vestir
S__i__t (camisa)
__lous__ (blusa)
C__r__ig__n (saco liviano de lana)
D__es__ (vestido)
V__s__ (chaleco)
S__i__ (traje)
__o__t (saco)
Ra__n__oat (piloto)
Busca en el diccionario estas frutas y relaciónalas con la imagen:

Adivinanzas en inglés:
Une la respuesta adecuada
1)Why was Cinderella taken off the basketball team?
2) What is the difference between a jeweller and a jailer?
3)What do you call a deer with no eyes?
4)What goes dot-dash-squeak-dash-dot-squeak-squeak?
5)Why do bees always have sticky hair?
6)What is at the end of everything?
A) She always ran away from the ball.
B) The letter G.
C) One sells watches and the other one watches cells.
D) No idea. (No-eye deer).
E) Mouse code.
F) Because they have honeycombs.
1) A)
2) C)
3) D)
4) E)
5) F)
6) B)
Rimas para leer
I Have Two Eyes"
I have two eyes to see with,
I have two feet to run,
I have two hands to wave with,
But nose I have one.
I have two ears to hear with,
And a tongue to say "Good day".
"One, Two, Tie my shoe"
One, Two, Tie my shoe.
Three, Four, Shut the door.
Five, Six, Pick up sticks.
Seven, Eight, Lay them straight.
Nine, Ten, A big fat hen.
Let's get up and count again!
jueves, 15 de agosto de 2013
Intensificadores y mitigadores en inglés

¿Qué son los intensificadores y mitigadores? Se los utiliza para variar el grado o fuerza de un adjetivo, verbo o adverbio.
Los intensificadores
Su primer uso es para añadir fuerza al sentido de un adjetivo.
very (muy)
really (verdaderamente)
extremely (extremadamente)
amazingly (sorpredentemente)
exceptionally (excepcionalmente)
incredibly (increiblemente)
remarkably (notablemente)
particularly (particularmente)
enough (suficiente)
much (mucho)
a lot (mucho)
a great deal (mucho)
a good bit (bastante)
Oraciones para entender
Kate is really beautiful.
(Kate es verdaderamente bella)
Michael can run very fast.
(Michael puede correr muy rápido.)
Sharks are extremely dangerous.
(Los tiburones son extremadamente peligrosos.)
Dan is not old enough to vote.
(Dan no tiene la edad suficiente para votar.)
My sister isn't tall enough to ride on the roller coaster.
(Mi hermana no es suficientemente grande para subir a la montaña rusa.)
Los Mitigadores
Recuerda que los mitigadores debilitan el sentido de un adjetivo.
fairly (bastante)
rather (bastante)
quite (bastante)
pretty (bastante)
a bit (un poco)
rather (bastante)
a little bit (un poco)
slightly (un poco)
Más oraciones
The movie was fairly boring.
(La película era bastante aburrida.)
The students were rather quiet in class.
(Los estudiantes eran bastante tranquilos en clase.)
It's a pretty nice day.
(Es un día bastante bonito.)
Dave is a bit faster than me.
(Dave es un poco más rapido que yo.)
My brother is slightly taller than my father.
(Mi hermano es un poco más alto que mi padre.)
lunes, 5 de agosto de 2013
Modals: obligaciones y sugerencias
En los cursos avanzados surgen dudas en cuanto a cómo hay que utilizar Can, Have to, Must, be allowed, Should y don´t have, en situaciones donde se prohíbe o se permite algo a alguna persona.
Veamos en un cuadro explicativo cómo diferenciar los modals en inglés:
Have to
Be allowed
• SUGGESTIONS: Should/ Shouldn´t
Ought to
Ejercicios para aplicar - Prohibitions and Suggestions
1 We have a lot of work tomorrow. You mustn't be late.
2 You mustn't tell anyone what I just told you. It's a secret.
3 The museum is free. You don't have to pay to get in.
4 Children mustn't tell lies. It's very naughty.
5 John's a millionaire doesn't have to. He go to work.
Ejercicios para aplicar - Prohibitions
1. You can’t park here, sir.
2. You can wear jeans but you can’t wear trainers in that bar.
3. You mustn’t speak when the teacher is speaking.
Ejercicios para aplicar - Permission
1. You are allowed to smoke in this area.
2. My roommate reminded me that passengers are allowed to use electronically operated devices in this area.
Ejercicios para aplicar - No obligation
1. You don’t have to wear a tie in our office. You can wear a tie if you want to but it’s OK if you don’t.
2. It’ll be nice if you do but you don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to.
3. You don’t have to dress up for the party. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in.
Veamos en un cuadro explicativo cómo diferenciar los modals en inglés:
Have to
Be allowed
• SUGGESTIONS: Should/ Shouldn´t
Ought to
Ejercicios para aplicar - Prohibitions and Suggestions
1 We have a lot of work tomorrow. You mustn't be late.
2 You mustn't tell anyone what I just told you. It's a secret.
3 The museum is free. You don't have to pay to get in.
4 Children mustn't tell lies. It's very naughty.
5 John's a millionaire doesn't have to. He go to work.
Ejercicios para aplicar - Prohibitions
1. You can’t park here, sir.
2. You can wear jeans but you can’t wear trainers in that bar.
3. You mustn’t speak when the teacher is speaking.
Ejercicios para aplicar - Permission
1. You are allowed to smoke in this area.
2. My roommate reminded me that passengers are allowed to use electronically operated devices in this area.
Ejercicios para aplicar - No obligation
1. You don’t have to wear a tie in our office. You can wear a tie if you want to but it’s OK if you don’t.
2. It’ll be nice if you do but you don’t have to come with me if you don’t want to.
3. You don’t have to dress up for the party. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in.
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