Palabra pregunta + verbo auxiliar + sujeto + verbo principal
How much does this bag cost?
When did he go?
What have they done?
2- Los verbos be, can y have (got) solamente cambian el orden del sujeto y del verbo auxiliar.
e.g. He is watching TV Is he watching TV?
You have got time Have you got time?
3- Si quién/cuál/qué (who/which/what) es el sujeto de la frase, no se utiliza el verbo auxiliar (do/does/did).
e.g. Who invented the telephone?
En lugar de: Who did invent the telephone?
What happened to Mike last night?
En lugar de: What did happen to Mike last night?
4- En las preguntas indirectas el orden del sujeto y del verbo principal es el mismo que en las frases afirmativas o negativas.
e.g. Do you think he is doing his homework?
Are you going to ask me what I bought?
5- Las preposiciones generalmente van al final de la pregunta (excepto en situaciones muy formales).
e.g. Who did you g oto the cinema with?
En lugar de: With whom did you go to the cinema?
What were you talking about?
En lugar de: About what were are you talking?
6 comentarios:
aprender a hablar ingles
En 'e.g. Who did you g oto the cinema with?'
Eso es 'go to', no 'g oto'
Hablo Inglés.
Estoy aprendiendo español... ( Google )
The truth I like to learn Englishman. It(he,she) is very useful for the life if in algun case wants to be going to be studied to a country where one speaks this language bye =)
This this very good page endurance google already thanks to I could learn to speak Englishman. Him(her) agradesco for that aprendi very much good-bye
e.g. Do you think he is doing his homework?
Are you going to ask me what I bought?
What is your name? ¿Cuál es tu nombre?
Where do you come from? ¿De dónde vienes?
How are you? ¿Cómo estás?
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