lunes, 20 de mayo de 2013

Aprende todo sobre oraciones relativas

Se usa esta estructura para unir dos oraciones o para dar mayor información sobre algún objeto.
Veamos en primer lugar cómo es la estructura interna de estas oraciones:

Oración normal:
She lives in New York. She likes living in New York.

Oración relativa (Relative Clauses):
She lives in New York, which she likes.

Para armar estas oraciones pueden utilizarse los siguientes conectores: who, which, that. Particularmente,   who puedes usarlo  para personas y  which para cosas u objetos. Con respecto a “that”, puede emplearse tanto para personas como para objetos. 


•    I'm looking for a secretary who / that can use a computer well.
•    I sent a letter which / that arrived three weeks later.
•    The people who / that live on the island are very friendly.

Ejercicios para aplicar la gramática sobre Relative Clauses

A continuación, te mostramos oraciones que tendrás que completar. Para controlar los ejercicios, podrás observar hacia el final de esta nota las respuestas correctas.

1) She worked for a man (the man used to be an athlete).
2) They called a lawyer (the lawyer lived nearby).
3) I sent an email to my brother (my brother lives in Australia).
4) The customer liked the waitress (the waitress was very friendly).
5) We broke the computer (the computer belonged to my father).


1) She worked for a man who used to be an athlete.
2) They called a lawyer who lived nearby.
3) I sent an email to my brother who lives in Australia.
4) The customer liked the waitress who was very friendly.
5) We broke the computer that belonged to my father.

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